How to play OREN Game?

A Beginner’s Guide To OREN Game

5 min readSep 26, 2021

First things first — let’s start with the basics. Each game of OREN consists of three rounds. Your objective is to win two of them. The aim of each round is to obtain more points than your opponent. Players take turns playing cards until one of them passes, indicating that they do not wish to spend any more cards for the rest of the round. The remaining player may continue to play as many cards as they like.

At first, you may think it makes sense to keep laying them down and ensure you win the round, but keep in mind that you only draw up to three cards in a new round. This means investing too much into the first round could leave you at a disadvantage in the following two and ultimately lose you the game. Passing early in the first round may be the smartest option if you cannot keep up with your opponent without expending a lot of cards. This is something that takes practice to get the hang of but is important to think about.

Here are some things you need to know about OREN Game:

  • Each deck must contain at least 22 Unit cards
  • Before each match, you randomly draw 10 cards from your deck
  • You can re-draw two cards prior to the start of the game
  • Each game contains three rounds
  • The first player to win two rounds wins the game
  • To end a round from your perspective, pass on your turn

One of the important things to remember is that the 10 cards you start OREN Game with must last you through the duration of the three rounds. You do not get a full, 10 card deck each round. This is where strategy really comes into play.

There are several types of OREN Game cards to be concerned with, and each card you play gets placed into one of the rows on the board. The most common card types that you’ll run into are Front Row, Second Row and Rearguard cards. Each of these cards has a rank, and that value helps to determine your overall score. Your combined score between all of your rows is matched against your opponent’s combined score to determine who wins the round.

For example, let’s say that you play a Front Row card with a value of five, and your opponent then plays one with a value of four. You are currently holding a higher score than them. However, if they place another card on their next turn with a value of four, they are now ahead of you, eight to five.

You’re not just trying to win individual rows, but end each round with an overall score higher than your opponent. You could be winning the Rear Row by a score of eight to six, but if your opponent is winning the Front row eight to five, they are winning the overall round by a score of 14 to 13.

Special Abilities

In addition to having numerical values, some cards also have special abilities. They add a level of depth to the game that goes beyond the basic values that the Unit cards have. Below is a list of the different abilities that cards can have.

  • Hero: Unaffected by any special effects or other card’s abilities.
  • Skills: Place on either the Front or Second row. Cannot be moved once placed.
  • Team: Use two or more cards of this unit, spend only 0.5 provision.
  • Physician: Recover one card from your discard pile.
  • Spy: Place on your opponent’s battlefield (counts towards your opponent’s total) and draw 2 cards from your deck.
  • Fellows: Two similar cards next to each other multiply the strength of them by two.

Special Cards Explained

We covered the basic card types above, but when you really want to get in-depth with OREN Game you’ll have to understand what Special cards are all about. They do not get placed on the board as common cards would, and do not contain values. Think of them more as modifiers that you play at strategic times.

  • Fake Death: Replaces your own card that was put on the battlefield. The replaced card returns to your hand.
  • Suicidal Act: Death of the most powerful cards: One (or more if they have similar strength) of BOTH players.
  • Decay: The strength of the cards in one row (chosen by a player) falls to 1 for all cards in this row for BOTH players.

Leader cards, on the other hand, can only be played once per match. These come with special abilities and are generally used when your back is against the wall. In total there are four Leaders, each with four variations, for a total of 16 possibilities. They break down as follows.

Free Kingdoms

  • Destruction: Destroy the strongest card in a random row of the opponent.
  • Recovery: Return one of your cards from the board into your hand.
  • Sabotage: Devide the strength of two random opponent’s cards by two.
  • Prestige: Win in a case of a draw.

The Empire

  • Snitch: Look at 3 random cards from your opponent’s hand.
  • Overthrow: Cancel your opponent’s Leader Ability.
  • Might: Make hero cards vulnerable to special cards.
  • Resurrection: Instantly play one card of your opponent’s discard pile.


  • Protection: Protects your cards from effects of Special Cards. Opponent is still affected.
  • Opposition: Cancel opponent’s leader abilities.
  • Collateral Power: Add 3–7 points to the strength.
  • Espionage. Get the strength of a random opponent's card to your own score. Opponent's score is respectively reduced.


  • Fearless: Double the strength of your strongest card in the hand.
  • The Fighting Dead: Restore one of your cards from discard pile.
  • Fatality: Instantly discard one random card of the opponent.
  • Substitute: Replace a card on the board with a card from your hand. The replaced card goes back to the hand and can be played later.

How to collect OREN Game Cards?

Each new OREN Game player will be able to get one starter deck for free, only paying gas fee. This deck will be enough to start playing and earn OREN. Over time, when the player has earned enough OREN, he will be able to buy new cards in Marketplace, which will improve his deck and allow him to earn more OREN. Cards that the player no longer needs, can be sold on the secondary market or rented out.

Read about roadmap and tokenomics of OREN Game in the next articles!

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