OREN Game: Tech architecture

Game mechanics, the flow of value, off-chain and on-chain operations

3 min readSep 14, 2021

OREN Game Ecosystem Flow of Value

In the OREN Game ecosystem, everything is designed to increase the player’s ability to earn and increase the intrinsic value of OREN and OREN Game cards.

For the player to start playing, he needs to collect an initial deck of playing cards. They can be bought in the Marketplace from other players for $ORENS. You will find out why they want to sell their cards later. And so, the player collects the initial deck and can start playing. To do this, he makes a bet in OREN, which are sent to Vault (smart-contract), and the system begins to search for a suitable opponent. To do this, the system analyzes which cards (NTF tokens) are in the player’s wallet and selects a player who has cards of the same level, but of a different fraction. After the opponent is found, the opponent’s bet is also sent to Vault. Then there are three rounds of the game. Players use their cards to win the pot.

In OREN Game, it’s not luck that matters, but the strategy that players choose.

After the third round, the points are calculated and the winner uses the “Claim” function to get the $OREN to win. OREN Game takes fees of 0.5% of winnings, which are sent to the Treasury Fund, and 0.1% of winnings are sent to the dead (0x..dead) wallet to ensure the deflation of the token. The more players play OREN Game, the more the total supply of OREN decreases, which reduces the supply in the market.

Also, to further encourage players to play OREN Game, we have allocated part of the $OREN allocation to reward players. Whether you win or lose, you get $OREN. The incentive plan is for 3 years.

Tech architecture

OREN Game smart contracts are written in Solidity and leverage the Diamond Standard to enable easy upgradeability.

The main OREN Game smart contract inherits the ERC721 standards to enable asset composability.

Some OREN Game functionality (daily check-ins, rounds) does not make economic sense to be put on-chain due to high gas fees, and therefore may be implemented on a Web2 database such as Google Cloud or AWS, or a sidechain such as Matic or xDAI.

OREN Game Architecture

Play better, earn more

By playing OREN Game you earn $OREN. For $OREN you buy playing cards that help you win. Thus, OREN Game cards have an intrinsic value, they can be evaluated based on how much they increase the chances of winning.

Therefore, stronger cards are worth more than others, not only because they are rare, but also because they allow you to earn more.

The player starts with a starting deck, which consists of base cards. After a series of games, the player earned $OREN and can buy rarer cards for himself to increase his chances of winning. Also, the player not only evaluates the rarity and value of this card but also how it can enhance his entire deck in accordance with his strategy.

After buying a card, he can sell the old cards that he no longer needs. It is these cards that will be useful for a novice player, and there will be a demand for them. For the sale of cards, OREN Game takes a royalty of 0.5%, which is sent to the Treasury Fund.

Read about the roadmap and tokenomics of OREN Game in the next articles!

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